Coach Leo


Hey guys, I’ve been coaching young kids for quite awhile now and I’ve learned a thing or two on the subject. I thought I’d share my top ten coaching philosophies with you. Cause as parents, you really are the ultimate coach. Enjoy!

10. Always look for the upside. If a kid is acting out that means the energy is there, I just need to find a way to channel it positively.

9. “Practice what you preach!” I always tell the kids that the most important thing in sports is having fun. To really excel at something, you need to love it first and coaching is no exception.

8. What’s more important than winning and losing? Trying your best and never giving up, that’s what! Michael Jordan is talented, but practice made him great. No matter what kind of athleticability you’re born with, the hard work you put into something will eventually pay off!


7. A good coach needs to be fearless! As little Ray once told Jerry Maguire,”bees and dogs can smell fear.”  Well, Ray should have added kids to that list. They can certainly smell it and once they do, it doesn’t take long for them to pounce!

6. Get inventive! If I can’t speak to kids in a language they can understand then I just won’t get through to them. It’s as simple as that. I’d rather have them put the “cookie in the jar,” and straighten out the names later then not have them participate at all.

5. Humor is a powerful ally. At this age, if sports can’t be fun then it’s only a matter of time before they find Fruit Ninja.

4. Don’t make structure the bad guy. Kids actually crave structure, but if it’s presented in a negative tone then it’s not an easy pill for them to swallow. So put some sugar on it. It’s all about the positive reinforcement. If they get congratulated and awarded ten thousand points to stand in line and wait their turn, it’s a win-win!

3. ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY!!! If I can’t get excited about the things that I’m coaching, how can I expect the kids to be?

2. Boundaries need to be set and upheld. If they are crossed then I need to take action. A little discipline goes a long way!

1. Don’t even try to fake it. The two things kids thrive on are love and encouragement. They’re the most important tools I keep in my coaching bag. And kids are the best lie detectors in the world. Trust me…those two things, you just can’t fake.

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